Member Payments

In the main area of the member profile you will find information about the member's active recurring payments and payment history. You can also create new recurring payments and individual charges from this screen.

Recurring Payments

Recurring payments are payment plans that run on a fixed schedule. For the most part, recurring payments are managed by membership plans, however you can manage those manually by turning on "Manual Recurring Payments" in the billing settings.

You can create a new recurring payment by clicking the "Create Recurring Payment" button.

When creating a recurring payment, we can change the following properties:

  • Amount - The amount of each recurring payment. 
  • Tax - If you set up taxes in your billing settings, those would appear here. You can modify the tax rates before adding the recurring payment.
  • Recurrence - The period of time between each payment. Can be any amount of days, weeks, months or years.
  • Description - A short text description for each charge that would appear on Email invoices and in the member payment history.
  • First Payment - You can start the recurring payment immediately, or have it start in a date in the future.
  • Send Email Invoices - Whether to send an Email invoice for each payment.
  • Payment method - We can select to use the payment method on file, or set it up as a manual payment. Manual payments get confirmed manually by managers after being paid offline (cash, check). 


Individual payments made by the member appear in this section of the profile. This includes past payments, failed payments and upcoming scheduled payments.

 You can create new charges by clicking the "Create a charge" button.

The properties we can change are similar to the recurring payment form, without the recurrence information.



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