Mass member operations

You can perform bulk operations on some or all of your members. At the bottom of the members list, click on the "Select" button - 

You can then select members from the list by checking the box next to their name.

You can also click on the "Check all" button at the bottom to select all the members on the page (Note: you can change the number of members per page in the members settings). Your selection will be kept between pages, so you can scroll to the next page to select more members.

Once you've selected all the members for the bulk operation, click on the "Actions" button at the bottom of the list. This will open the action dialog.

The options available include:

  • Change status: Mass freeze, cancel or reactivate members
  • Delete members: Delete selected members
  • Apply Discount: Mass apply a discount to the select members, either to their next payment or to their membership
  • Assign Document: Assign a document to the selected members
  • Compose Email: Email the selected members
  • Send Text/SMS: Text the selected members (if you have texting set up in your account)

Selecting one the options above will show additional options before you confirm the operations.

QA Env: qa1