Account Plan

The account plan determines the usage limits your account has and the amount you pay each month. The Account Plan screen shows you an overview of your current plan and account usage, and allows you make changes to your plan.

To change the account plan, click on the "Change Plan" button.

Picking an account plan

Clicking on the "Change Plan" button in the Account Plan screen shows you a list of all of the available plans.

The plan you currently have active will be clearly marked, and the button at the bottom will say "Current Plan" instead of "Pick Plan".

To change your plan, click on the "Pick Plan" button for the plan you would like to select.

Before changing your plan, a dialog will appear explaining the exact change and charges that will be made. If you are upgrading to a higher cost plan, a chrage will be made to cover the difference until the next billing date (at which time you will be charged the monthly plan amount).

Trial expiry and the free plan

We also provide a free account plan for very small clubs. You will find the link to pick that plan at the bottom of the screen.

This is the same plan your account will switch to at the end of the free trial, if you have not picked a paid plan. You can still switch to the free plan even if you have added more than 15 members to your account - but you will not be able to add more members until you upgrade your plan.

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